Morgan "Jolkert" Bauer

/'mɔɹ.gən 'jɔl.kɚt 'baw.ɚ/

Hi, I'm Morgan! If you've found this site, you might know me better (if at all) as Jolkert. I am a computer science student, amatuer software developer, and hobbyist linguist. I have many projects on my GitHub. Some of which I'm proud of, some of which should never again see the light of day.

Things I've Worked On

Saikoro github/jolkert/saikoro

Saikoro is a Rust library for parsing dice notation expressions. It is not yet feature- complete, but is currently able to handle most basic expressions. It also returns each individual roll — in the order in which they were calculated — for more fine-grain information on what numbers were rolled.

Cobblemore modrinth/mod/cobblemore

Cobblemore is an addon mod for Cobblemon which adds several held items and other useful additions which have not yet been officially implemented.

Stay A While modrinth/mod/stay-a-while

Stay A While is a Minecraft mod which adds few useful gamerules. Three are for controlling when certain types of items despawn. The other one controls the chance of a villager becoming a zombie villager when killed by a zombie. More gamerules are planned, which will likely bring a new name to the modrinth

Appalachia github/jolkert/Appalachia

Appalachia is a (currently Work-in-Progress) discord bot made for fun. It can do simple things such as generating random numbers and pulling random quotes from a designated quotes channel. It also features a Rock, Paper, Scissors game. Simply mention the user to play against, and make your selection. Scores are also stored on a server-wide leaderboard. I'm currently looking into rewriting him in rust!

Discord Fabric Link github/jolkert/DiscordFabricLink

Discord Fabric Link is a Minecraft mod that runs a Discord bot. It allows users to add themselves to a whitelist using a Discord command, and link their Minecraft account to their Discord user. It shows the username color from Discord in Minecraft chat, and shows the Discord username and any pronoun roles on hover. github/jolkert/

That's this website! As a developer, I am naturally too proud and stubborn to have a site not made by myself. It's nothing fancy. Just plain HTML and CSS (and a little bit of JavaScript for an easter egg or two).

More stuff! github/jolkert

Looking for something else of mine? My GitHub page has most projects I've worked on. Some projects on there are old abandoned projects that served as a learning experience. Most are abandoned, some are still being updated