
Who are you?

I'm not really sure how you got here if you don't already know, but just in case: my real name is Morganshe/her, but online I go by "Jolkert". As your local trans woman programmer, I do a lot of coding and a little bit of a bunch of other stuff (mainly lingusitcs related). I have quite a few Minecraft mods and a bunch of personal projects that mostly served as learning experiences. I am also an aspiring gamedev with a bunch of ideas that never (publically) made it to my GitHub. Maybe I'll finish something someday.


Yeah quite a few people struggle with how they're supposed to pronounce this one. If you're familiar with the IPA, it's pronounced /'jɔl.kɚt/ If you're not, the important parts are that the 'J' sounds like English 'Y', and the 'L' is pronounced.


As someone who is interested in both computer science and lingustics, this is a fun one for me because theres two answers here

In terms of programming languages, I am well-versed in:

And I am proficient with, but still in the process of learning:

In terms of spoken languages, I speak English natively, and can speak passable German.

Pretty colors!

If you like the site's color scheme, I recommend you check out Catppuccin! All of the colors on the site come from the catppuccin palette. I use it for everything I can.